It's A Girl | Film Screening {Downtown Vancouver}


In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls are missing in the world today because of this so-called “gendercide”.

Girls who survive infancy are often subject to neglect, and many grow up to face extreme violence and even death at the hands of their own husbands or other family members.

The war against girls is rooted in centuries-old tradition and sustained by deeply ingrained cultural dynamics which, in combination with government policies, accelerate the elimination of girls.

Shot on location in India and China, It’s a Girl reveals the issue.It asks why this is happening, and why so little is being done to save girls and women. The film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls,of women who suffer extreme dowry-related violence, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives, and of other mothers who would kill for a son.Global experts and grassroots activists put the stories in context and advocate different paths towards change, while collectively lamenting the lack of any truly effective action against this injustice.

GirlKIND is proud to present another screening of a Shadowline Film  "It's A Girl," to Vancouver, BC.  Please join us Dec 8 2012 at VIFF's Vancity Theatre Downtown Vancouver for an informative and inspiring evening.  From 2-4pm

Doors will open at 1:45pm as a place for community members to see how they can get involved & network. 

Please view the trailer here



What is Gendercide?

What is Gendercide?

Gendercide refers to the systematic elimination of a gender group, usually female. It is especially prevalent in India, China and other regions of Southeast Asia,. This gender based killing takes several forms, including selective abortion, infanticide, severe malnutrition, medical neglect, abandonment and dowry related murders. Because this type of crime often takes place within private households, it is often not widely recognized or acknowledged.
Where does gendercide occur?

The gendercide occurring in India and China is of particular concern because of the
sheer size of their population. However, gendercide has been recorded as
occurring in the following areas: East Asia; China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Taiwan
South Asia, India, Syria, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia Eastern Europe
Albania,Romania, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Macedonia North Africa Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria SubSaharan Africa most countries U.S./Canada/Western Europe primarily within Asian expatriate communities

What are the ratios of men to women in India and China today?

India: In 1986, Dr. Amartya Sen used census data to estimate that 37 million women were
“missing” from the Indian population. Today the number is closer to 50 million.
The most recent Indian census data from 2011 show s the situation is only getting worse. There are now 914 girls aged 0 6 years old for every 1,000 boys of the same age, which is down from 927 in the previous census in 2001). In some regions in India like the state of Haryana, the number is as low as 830

China: Statistics show that for every 120 males born in China today, 100 females
are born.This figure becomes even more troubling in some provinces with
ratios as high as 130 males to 100 females (Economist).To put this ratio in
perspective we can compare it to the generally accepted rate of 103 107 males
for every 100 girls. Internationally: Estimates of the total number of “missing” women vary, but many demographers cite 117 million women “missing” today. Others quote a
figure as high as 163 million. Some UN sources have cited as many as 200 million.

Check out these valuable resources on the issue of Gendercide and what is being done to raise awareness and eliminate this issue.
A non-profit organization; creators of the film "It's A Girl"
The documentary that reveals the many faces of gendercide.
The campaign launched by activist Rita Banerji to show the world the gendercide that is occurring in India.
The mother who is fighting to save her daughters.  Follow her story as she battles her husband and in-laws in court for trying to kill her daughters.






ATSS Bake Sale 2012

Some students of Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School were inspired to want to do something after the watched the screening of "It's A Girl," this past Septemeber.  The film deals with the many faces of gendercide. They decided to hold a Bake Sale a their school to be advocates for change, raising awareness on gendercide and gender discrimination. GirlKIND is very proud of these students, they represent the change of tomorrow, their actions will determine our futures.  Bake Sale takes place at Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School on Tuesday Oct 30, 2012.  Anyone wanting to bake or donate some good, please contact us.


One Girl

It just takes one girl to make a difference.  What are you waiting for?  Get involved, join the movement!


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